Life's Brief Candle
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It's over.
Sunday, October 30, 2011 | 0 Note (s)!

what's over?

Holiday's over...
Time to do the final preparation though i've
done nothing to be in this comin' battle. :D
hope i can make it despite in time of chaos. 
study mode activated.
chop chop!

till next time..


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I Don't Want an Ending!

I just don't want it.
I will not leave even if you ask me to.
I will stay in your heart even if you don't want me to.
call me me desperate. 
i just don't want an ending. :'(

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The flower & the butterfly
Friday, October 28, 2011 | 0 Note (s)!

...when you tumble down into the deepest & darkest abyss of life...
...yes, you'll be miserable, hurt, and broken...
...when nobody understand & seems like nobody loves you,
...yes, you'll feel empty, hopeless, and weak,
...when nobody wants to listen, & you just don't know who to turn to...
...yes, you'll be depressed, suffering, & may think about suicidal...

never ever give up.
don't ever lose hope.
simply because
you can trust your life to Him.
He didn't say that life would be easier..
But He promises that He will always be there for you & for me.
and you can count on Him like 1, 2, 3..
because He is just a prayer away.
His love to you and to me is abundant.
Just believe & have faith in Him.
You'll find peace & joy.

True story.

p/s: Happy Sabbath.. :)

till next time..

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Thursday, October 27, 2011 | 4 Note (s)!

Today is Thursday.
Tomorrow is Friday. is almost over..
And i haven't study yet..die.

Anyway..hehe, this time,this moment..
hereby, i officially announce to you my 1st & new violin!

this is my baby, Tyler. 
why Tyler?
i named my violin after one of the character in Vampire Diaries.
He is sooooooooo handsome, charming..& i like his smile.
(jadi kaitan?) =.='

I receive my baby on October 1st, 2011.
well, as i tried to tune my baby this afternoon..yeah, i wanted to play some nonsense notes.
i accidently pulled the E string too tight and guess what?
Yaaa...2 string tputus! 
and i'm like...  'Oh s**t!'

automatically i knew that my money would fly again..

haha..was off to Kara & bought a new string.
well, i grabbed a pitch pipe along for violin tuner. $ left..but it's okay, i'll do anything to save my baby.

me & tyler with new E string. :D
Phew! What a day...
hehe..well, i say knowledge comes with experiences. 
so, hopefully after this, i'll be able to tune Tyler without screwing him.

till next time..


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Blog challenge

Hehe..good mornin' readers..
Actually, i don't know what to write for today. 
So, am gonna talk about a challenge.
What challenge?
Yes. it's the 30 Days Blog Challenge.
seems familiar?
 Heee..i know some of you are taking this challenge.

Some says that they want to do this challenge
 to build their character, improve their writing skill,
increase their readers, & a lot more reasons.

well, there's a premise saying 'it takes 30 days to create a habit'.

This challenge also comes in different versions. 
i mean, the set of the challenge is different.

Gahhh...! (worrying if u don't get it)
here is another version of it.
diff. isn't it?

30-day blog challenge.

* Day 30: A picture of yourself this day and 3 good things that happened since you started the
#taken from Serge's blog. 

Am gonna take this challenge.
not today.
maybe next year. 
waiting for the right time.
have a good day!

till next time..

p/s: if u want to do this, go on. it would be nice reading' ur entries.


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This is happening.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 | 2 Note (s)!

Oh goin' through the 1st phase (1st pic)..
Dear me, please start revising. You are not smart enough. So, PLEASE..
PLEASE start studying. Exam is just around the corner.. i beg you..

till next time..

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A better plan?

Learn to surrender..

Let Your will be done, Oh Lord..Amen. 

till next time..

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Is this for real?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 | 2 Note (s)!

As i browse through the net this mornin', i found some cool pictures. Really cool.. 

won't believe me? check this out!

Julian Beever's 3D pavement drawing.



waterways on the street.

These two are drawn by Edgar Muller

wanna see more?

painted ceiling in bedroom. 

should draw that pic at every smoking lounge. ..>.<

public glass toilet. built using one-way mirror.
That's mean people outside can't see in but  on inside, you can see out.
dare to use it?

Hoho..feels like someone's watchin' u?

Painted floor in the bathroom.
whoa! dare to step foot on it? :D
it seems real. very real..isn't it?
maybe if i see those before my eyes, i can't tell whether it is real or not. would u?
i wish we can have it in Malaysia.
Maybe those paintings could be the tourist attraction. 
who knows? hehe..
Have a good day!
till next time..

p/s: i do not own the pictures. credit to Google.


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Monday, October 24, 2011 | 6 Note (s)!

Good morning everyone..! 

it's HOLIDAY!!! Hehe..'s your holiday? What? you're not on holiday?

Ooops! my bad.

 I'm on holiday for 1 week. 
but decided not to go back home for this holiday.

because...saya malas balik. Hee..
yeah..people say that my hometown is not too far away from KK.
 but still..don't want to go back home.
the 2nd reason is...i'm too lazy to pack my stuff up.
3rd reason...the long break is about to come. so, it's okay if i don't go back.
4th reason....exam is also comin' soon. i know i can't study at home..
so, it's better if i stay here. at the hostel.

Wish me all the best to go through all night safely. Hoho..

 till next time...


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. . . . . Happy Birthday, buddy!. . . . .
Thursday, October 20, 2011 | 0 Note (s)!

Happy birthday to you..
    Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday to Bitt Thing.. 
Happy birthday to you...!
Yeaayyy....!'s my friend's birthday. 
~September 20~
Her name is Chong Bitt  Thing, from Kota Marudu.
 I've known her since June 2010.
She's friendly, sporting, & good. (doesn't mind sharing her food) >.< hoho..

So, lets meet the birthday girl! :D
At class.

she's cute, ain't she?

This is us. Taken during semester 2.
From left: Xue Fen, Bitt Thing, & me.

Happy bornday once again, buddy. 

 wish u had a great one today! sorry, didn't manage to grab a present for you. Hehe..
All the best in this comin' exam..God bless. \(^_^)/

till next time...


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. . . . . . . . . .The Road Not Taken. . . . . . . . . .
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | 0 Note (s)!

God, teach me how to pray because..

There will come the times in life where i need to choose a path to travel on. 
Sometimes, it is too hard for me to decide which way should we take. For me, i'm afraid that i'm not ready to face the consequences of my choices. Well, future is scary & ambiguous.
Sometimes, it's an irony and it really hurts when thing doesn't go the way i wanted. True story. :) 
When there are so many troubles, pain, and dilemma i faced as  an adult  a young adult, i feel like i wanna go back to my childhood, where skinned knees are easier to heal than a broken heart..
less responsibilities to bear..
and plenty time to play.

Some says that age comes with responsibility.
Well, i think that is true. More & more responsibilities i need to take as i grow up.
 More paths will appear,
 many choices will have to be made,
 & the hardest it will be to make a decision.
A perfect, best decision that may determine a perfect, best future of mine.
But sometimes, i just don't understand why this particular person is trying to run away from the responsibility.
Does responsibility is too much to take? Is it too heavy to bear?
Hey, what goes around comes around!. isn't it? :)
So, why not we just accept the fact and face the outcome from our actions.
Fair enough, right?

Some people says "Just follow the flow". But, bear this in mind.
There will be no flow if there is no decision made.
Am i right? :)

Well, God is the Mr. Know Everything. He knows what's the best for us. Like i mentioned before, sometimes, things happened out of our expectation..That is the best for us although it may disappoint us. True story. :)
learn to believe Him and depend on Him when troubles come on my way.

May God bless. (^___^)
Till next time..


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Happy Moments
Saturday, October 15, 2011 | 0 Note (s)!

A bit trivia about today. 

Actually my friends & i were ready to go church. 
However, the uncle who supposed to fetch us didn't show up. 
While waiting, we spent our time together, sharing stories about our experiences in life. 
Then, we realized that maybe the uncle didn't saw my text. 
So, we moved to the cabin (class) and started practicing violin. We played "Amazing Grace".. haha. One of my friend, Depp, also played the song. 

Practice make perfect! :D

He doesn't take violin lesson with us, Rica & me, but he can play it well. 
Thanks to Rica, i've learnt a new song today. Yeayy....! Hehe..well, i can say that they have natural talent in music. Depp's voice is great and totally amazing..Rica can play any songs without the notes.
 Whoaa...and me? talent at all. Hehe..but am trying to learn. Gambate to me! Past 12 p.m. the uncle text me back and told us that he was sorry, he didn't saw my text earlier & thought that we don't want to come to church. Yeah..miscommunication happened. 
But, it's okay..people make mistake. Right? :) Tired of playing violin, we got HUNGRY.
 Then, we asked help from another friend, Leo, to get us some food at Hajara.
 Heee..then, we took lunch together. After that, we went back to hostel. 
Wheew...what a day! :D
 Although we didn't make it to church, we had a great time together..and of course, i felt blessed today. Credit to my friends and also Thanks to God we were able to keep this Sabbath holy. Amen!. 

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    * 
An inspirational video for this sabbath. 

Actually i've seen this clip a few weeks ago and all i can's just AWESOME. It is a MUST WATCH video.
This video had made my day so lively, it renew my life, my faith, and my love to our Creator. It is called Father's love letter.

This is the lyrics.
Read more »


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011 | 1 Note (s)!

Lately, i've been watching anime from Japan. Somehow, i've been addicted to it and actually i learnt a lot of things through anime. Like the Japanese language, their customs..and most importantly... FOOD. Here are some of them. XD

(.The influence from watching anime.)

a.k.a Rice ball

wow..they look delicious.. >.<

kawaii.. :)

wowowow!..look at these..

and these..
awwww~they're so cute...  ^^
i don't want to eat them.. anyway..check out the next meals!

Tamagoyaki or Atsuyi Tamago

Basically, this is an omelette. Sweet omelette. The former tender of IPGKG's cafeteria usually serves this..but yeah, this time around, no more omelette. :( looks delicious... doesn't look delicious.

 It is absolutely delicious!. >.<
p/s : omelette is one of my fav food. ^^



.ramen is a noodle dish that very popular in Japan. It is served in different flavoured soup with many toppings. i never eat ramen before but someday, i will. Definitely, i will try Japanese ramen. hehe.. :D

If i not mistaken, it is also called 'Udon'. :)

and not forgotten....

who doesn't know sushi? 


Oh no...they look cute and delicious..

and...last but not least...

Hehe..actually obento or bento is a lunch box. It may contain rice, sushi, tamago, curry..or anything u want for lunch.

Here are some ordinary bento..

and freaking cute bento.

aww..meow bento.. anyone? 

shhhh...u'll wake the bear up..

ahaha...super mario!

Hehe..they are kawaii...aren't they? These are only some of the Japanese dishes. There are a lot more delicious, mouth-watering dishes in Japan. I wish i can visit Japan one fine day. :)
Wait for me Japan! XD
'till we meet again... Ohayo-gozaimas! :D


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